Struggling to cut meat out of your diet? Blame it on your genes
There are plenty of reasons why people follow a vegetarian diet, but your genes can make all the difference.

In an era where the Impossible Burger reigns supreme and “Meatless Mondays” are de rigueur, the age-old debate between nature and nurture takes center stage. A groundbreaking study conducted by Northwestern Medicine has unearthed a profound truth: your genetic makeup may hold the key to your success as a vegetarian. Titled “Genetics of Vegetarianism: A Genome-Wide Association Study,” this groundbreaking research was a collaborative effort with scientists from Washington University in St. Louis and Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Published in the journal PLOS ONE, this study marks the first fully peer-reviewed and indexed examination of the connection between genetics and strict vegetarianism.
As more individuals aspire to embrace plant-based diets, the findings of this study have far-reaching implications, potentially transforming dietary recommendations and revolutionizing the production of meat substitutes. Dr. Nabeel Yaseen, the corresponding author of the study, a professor emeritus of pathology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, reflects on the profound implications of their research, saying, “Are all humans capable of subsisting long term on a strict vegetarian diet? This is a question that has not been seriously studied.”
Surprisingly, a large percentage of self-identified “vegetarians” (about 48 to 64 percent) admit to consuming fish, poultry, or red meat. To explain this, Dr. Yaseen suggests that environmental and biological constraints may overpower the desire to adhere to a strict vegetarian regimen. “It seems there are more people who would like to be vegetarian than actually are, and we think it’s because there is something hard-wired here that people may be missing.”
The study delved into the genetic makeup of 5,324 strict vegetarians through the UK Biobank genetic data, comparing their profiles to 329,455 controls, all of whom were white Caucasians to ensure a homogeneous sample. The research identified three genes strongly associated with vegetarianism and another 31 genes with potential links. Among these genes, two of the top three (NPC1 and RMC1) are involved in lipid metabolism and/or brain function.
“One area in which plant products differ from meat is complex lipids,” Dr. Yaseen explains. “My speculation is there may be lipid component(s) present in meat that some people need. And maybe people whose genetics favor vegetarianism are able to synthesize these components endogenously. However, at this time, this is mere speculation, and much more work needs to be done to understand the physiology of vegetarianism.”
As religious and moral motivations continue to drive many towards vegetarianism, the question remains: why do most people still prefer meat? In the U.S., vegetarians comprise approximately 3 to 4 percent of the population. In the U.K., 2.3 percent of adults and 1.9 percent of children are vegetarian. Dr. Yaseen suggests that beyond taste, an individual’s metabolic response plays a pivotal role. Just as acquired tastes for alcohol or coffee develop over time, there might be a similar phenomenon with meat, driven by a potential “craving” for specific components, possibly linked to genetics.
The implications of this research are profound. For individuals who abstain from meat due to religious or moral reasons, it raises questions about the extent to which genetics influence their dietary choices. Dr. Yaseen concludes, “While religious and moral considerations certainly play a major role in the motivation to adopt a vegetarian diet, our data suggest that the ability to adhere to such a diet is constrained by genetics. We hope that future studies will lead to a better understanding of the physiologic differences between vegetarians and non-vegetarians, thus enabling us to provide personalized dietary recommendations and to produce better meat substitutes.”