Myths about the moon you didn’t know
From leaving behind our feces on the moon to discovering its violent origin story, here are some of the most fascinating facts we know about our closest celestial neighbor.

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As the Earth’s only natural satellite and resident celestial being in the night sky, the moon holds a special place in our lives and our imaginations. Having inspired the finest of poetry, iconic albums, and breathtaking art, the moon is the Earth and humankind’s celestial muse.
In honor of the moon and mankind’s tireless efforts to better understand it, here are some mind-bending facts about the cratered giant next door to us.
The moon’s origin story
Long before Pluto left our solar system, an older predecessor made a more iconic exit. Nicknamed Theia by a group of scientists, it collided with a younger Earth nearly 4.5 billion years ago. Recent seismic imagery from the Earth’s lower mantle spotted “unusual blob structures” of the former planet lodged deep within the Earth’s molten interior. Each “blob” is roughly twice the mass of the Moon, according to abrupt signatures in seismic waves from the Earth’s fuming underbelly. Scientists term the event of Theia’s collision with Earth to form the moon the Giant Impact Hypothesis. According to Qian Yuan, a postdoc at the Caltech Seismological Laboratory, the Earth and the Moon have similar material compositions, most of which align with those of Theia. These geological materials are also assumed to be what lunar rocks are made of. The freely floating remnants of Theia’s collision with Earth are assumed to be the building blocks of our moon today.
Weirdest moon myth: The 96 bags of poop on the moon
Yes, you read that correctly. The moon houses plenty of human artifacts left behind by crews of astronauts during their cosmic adventures, but 96 bags of human feces definitely take the cake. Several Apollo astronauts have confirmed kicking out jettisoned trash bags with feces and vomit on the lunar surface. Charlie Duke, an astronaut from the Apollo 16 mission, told Vox that they even “left urine that was collected in a tank.” Despite the gross visual, human feces are a fertile home for bacteria, consisting of more than 1000 species of microbes that also reside in our gut. Studying this vibrant ecosystem would test the resilience of these microorganisms in the face of trying lunar conditions. If these microbes survive decades on the moon, maybe an interstellar trip to sprout life on Mars could be a possibility.
Approaching the dark side of the moon
As of this day, four countries have successfully arrived at the moon’s south pole. Described as an area “full of mystery, science, and intrigue” by NASA, the rocky road on the moon’s south pole made it significantly harder to execute a soft landing as achieved previously on the side visible to Earth. With debilitating temperatures as low as -248 °C due to its lack of an atmosphere, human exploration of this region is still only in the pipeline. Based on data collected by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, a NASA spacecraft that has been orbiting the moon for 14 years, the moon’s south pole contains a store of water ice that “could potentially sustain humanity.” First discovered by India’s Chandrayaan-1 lunar mission, the water deposits on the moon’s dark side “could supply fuel, oxygen, and drinking water for future missions.”