Deep space could be the next clean energy resource
Deep space is an infinite abyss of coldness. It's also an untapped clean energy resource we are just waking up to.

Illustration: Nadia Méndez/WIRED Middle East
Oftentimes in the past, it took an invention to inspire its popular successor, or better yet, discover something completely untapped by science. In the 21st century, the world is getting warmer each year. And every year, innovators worldwide are scavenging for new ways to switch to clean energy and hit net-zero emissions. We’ve tapped into the sun, manipulated the wind, and trapped water, but notice how we’re still earthbound with clean energy?
Deep space is an infinite abyss that is approximately three times colder than the East Antarctic Plateau (the coldest place on Earth). In our pursuit to harness energy from the sun, we never turned to the chilly realms of deep space for similar solutions. Sunlight, or solar radiation, is captured by conventional solar panels to generate electricity. Radiative cooling used in cooling panels employs a similar principle to cool down surroundings.
But it must be understood that incoming radiation (from the sun) has been vastly exploited for solar energy; outgoing radiation (in deep space), however, hasn’t been explored as much to generate energy.
Essentially, outgoing radiation allows us to transfer the heat from an object on Earth into outer space, which acts as an infinite reservoir. Studies confirm that heat removal using this process could cool an object “down tens of degrees below the temperature of its surroundings.” Amplifying this foundational principle leads to generating electricity, for which a thermoelectric generator (TEG) is required.
To better understand this mind-boggling phenomenon, let’s dive into the physics of it all.
According to Seebeck’s effect, a thermoelectric generator converts the temperature difference in the surrounding area into voltage using a semiconductor. The nature of these semiconductors is altered using dopants (impurities) to possess “mobile negatively charged electrons (n-type semiconductors)” or “mobile positively charged holes (p-type).” These electrons and holes allow the semiconductors to “bridge the temperature differential” when they “congregate.” Though this alternative source of energy generation sounds promising, it still remains largely theoretical, with the ability to produce only millivolts of electricity. “The coldness of deep space is a thermodynamic resource” that has been used to fuel NASA’s voyager spacecraft. This suggests that a greater difference in temperature aids in a larger generation of power. In the case of cooling panels, the mechanics have been downsized to factor in the temperature difference in the environment and the building it is placed on to generate power. However, the energy produced is still negligible and would require expensive exotic materials to become feasible.
But you must be thinking, How are these cooling panels sending heat into deep space? That’s where an emitter comes into this elaborate picture. It has been found that simple emitters like black paint can “emit enough radiation within an 8 to 13 mm wavelength range to cool a surface down by 10 degrees when exposed to the night sky.” An 8–13 mm range is crucial to the process, as wavelengths that exceed this range are reflected back by the Earth’s atmosphere.
SkyCool Systems, a clean company based in San Francisco, has “commercialized cooling structures without the use of electricity, thereby reducing or eliminating the need for building air-conditioning.” These independent cooling panels act as primary cooling systems or can be used as “add-ons to existing air-conditioning and refrigeration systems.” Their cooling technology is widely used in grocery stores across the US.
However, the theory behind deep space cooling is an emerging concept that is still plagued with too many external variables that limit large-scale usage. For one, sourcing the ideal materials for efficient emitters is a tedious and expensive venture. Coupled with the task of creating a feasible design that harnesses enough energy to power “LED lighting and air sensors and keep smartphone batteries charged.” But it is safe to imagine that in a not-so-distant future, outgoing radiation “from beyond the Earth’s atmosphere” could satisfy our remote electricity needs with a shockingly negligible carbon footprint.